The Board of Homeopathic and Integrated Medicine Examiners registers, license, and regulates medicial assistants and physicians practicing homeopathic/integrated medicine in the state. The licensing provided by the board is independent of licensure provided from allopathic or osteophatic boards.
Homeopathic and Integrated Medicine license scope includes the practice of acupuncture, chelation, homeopathy, minor surgery, neuromuscular integration, nutrition, orthomolecular therapy, and pharmaceutical medicine (see A.R.S. § 32-2901(22)). Physicians under this license who intend to dispense general, homeopathic or nutritional medications, substances or devices from an office, must apply for and receive a dispensing permit.
The Board’s mission is to protect the health, safety and welfare of Arizona citizens by examining, licensing and regulating homeopathic physicians and medical assistants.
Requirements for licensure can be found in the Applicant's Checklist under the forms page.
If you feel you are below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level, you may apply for a waiver of some or all of your application and license fees. (See amount here:
See attached form and requirements; requests must be submitted prior to applying for licensure in Arizona.
Strategic Plan