Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 04/10/2017 - 16:08
Complaint #
Complaint Status
Discipline Notes
Dr. Grade filed a 2006 license renewal form and answered "no" to a question regarding disciplinary action (including surrender), limitation or restriction taken against any licenses from another licensing authority. Dr. Grade's answer was false because the Arizona Medical Board issued a Summary Restriction to Dr. Grade for medical license no. 10424 on December 5, 2005. Dr. Grade was in attendance with his counsel at the Arizona Medical Board hearing. The Homeopathic Board voted to revoke Dr. Grade's license at their formal hearing held 7-17-07 for unprofessional conduct pursuant to ARS 32-2933(35) Knowingly making a false or misleading statement on a form required by the Board or in written correspondence with the Board. Order of revocation effective on 8-28-2007
License Number