Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 04/10/2017 - 16:08
Complaint #
Complaint Status
Discipline Notes
On June 16 2008 the Arizona Board of Homeopathic/Integrated Medicine notified Dr Schmerler that they were conducting an investigation into whether or not he provided cosmetic or other surgery that may have exceeded the scope of surgery allowed under his homeopathic license. They had sought access to patient files that would have covered a six month period of time and had voted to request twenty case files to be provided within 40 days of the request for the files.

On November 18, 2008 the Board reviewed a revocation of license action taken by the Nevada Board of Medical Examiners on October 14, 2008 in which Nevada Board of Medical Examiners found Dr Schmerler violated Nevada Revised Statutes 630.304(I) during his initial process for relicensing in 2007 and again in his 2007 renewal. The Nevada revocation corresponded to unprofessioanl conduct in Arizona pursuant to A.R.S. 32-2933(18); Being disciplined by another regulatory jurisdiction because of the licensee's mental or physical inability to engage safely in the practice of medicine, medical incompetence or unprofessional conduct as defined by that jurisdiction and that corresponds directly or indirectly with an act of unprofessional conduct in Arizona law. The unprofessional conduct found by Nevada corresponds directly or indirectly with an act of unprofessional conduct prescribed by Arizona law, specifically A.R.S. 32-2933(10); Procuring or attempting to procure a license to practice homeopathic medicine by fraud, by misrepresentation or by knowingly taking advantage of the mistake of another. The Arizona Board of Homeopathic/Integrated Medicine voted to open a separate complaint against Dr Schmerler (Complaint 09-06) and proceed to formal hearing on the Nevada Board action.
On January 13, 2009, the Arizona Board of Homeopathic/Integrated Medicine voted to accept the voluntary surrender of Dr Schmerler's homeopathic medical license in lieu of a formal hearing on the revocation of his Nevada medical license.

By acceptance of the consent agreement accepting the voluntary surrender of Dr Schmrler's homeopathic medical license this investigation was closed.
License Number